YSC Unveils Videos of Breast Cancer Survivors Spreading Real Awareness
by Jaci Fletcher, YSC Senior Communications Manager on October 01, 2015
October 1, 2015
Jaci Fletcher, Senior Communications Manager
[email protected]
Young women share inspiring stories of hope, encouraging other young breast cancer survivors to share their stories.
New York, New York, (October 1, 2015) — Young Survival Coalition’s (YSC) “In Our Own Words: Young Survivors Spreading Real Awareness” kicks off as we enter the start of October and breast cancer awareness month. Although breast cancer is the most common cancer in women ages 15 to 39, many are still not aware that young women can and do get breast cancer. It is estimated that nearly 13,000 cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in women under age 40 this year and more than 250,000 breast cancer survivors living in the U.S. were diagnosed at age 40 or younger.
In an effort to tap into the collective wisdom of young women affected by breast cancer, YSC hosted an open call for video submissions from women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Young women submitted their advice with the goal of helping future and current young survivors. The outpouring of advice and enthusiasm for support was overwhelming – survivors sharing their very personal messages. The videos ranged from being highly entertaining to very factual and practical. The unifying theme is one of hope and a shared mission to ensure that no young woman faces breast cancer alone.
This October, YSC will highlight eight inspiring short videos received during the contest. The vignettes will provide a unique and personal view of the breast cancer experience filled with candid advice on what they wish they had known when they were diagnosed. At the end of each video, viewers are encouraged to view other stories and to share their own story and/or advice to contribute to a growing searchable online library of guidance and encouragement from real survivors.
“Young women face unique issues when they are diagnosed with breast cancer. No one else can understand what it is like more than someone who has been there,” said Jennifer Merschdorf, YSC CEO. “These videos are a testament to the desire to pay it forward and support others who have to face this life-changing diagnosis. These women share practical advice, words of encouragement and the desire to let other young women know they are not alone.”
Young women affected by breast cancer are invited to share their stories and advice to educate, empower and support others at https://www.youngsurvival.org/survivor-stories.
Find a summary of the inspiring women whose stories will be profiled including links to their videos here. You may also visit our YSC YouTube Channel to view the stories as well. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to hear more young survivors sharing real awareness this month. #yscsurvivorstories
About Young Survival Coalition (YSC)®
Established in 1998, Young Survival Coalition (YSC) is the premier organization dedicated to young women with breast cancer. Founded by three young survivors, YSC began as a grassroots organization to advocate on behalf of all young women diagnosed with breast cancer to increase their length and quality of life. Based in New York City, with networks nationwide, YSC provides free resources, connections and educational materials so young women with breast cancer feel supported, empowered and hopeful. YSC seeks to educate and influence the medical, research and legislative communities to address breast cancer in young women, and to ensure that no young woman faces breast cancer alone. For more information, visit youngsurvival.org.