Canceling YSC's 2020 Tour de Pink Events Amid Global Health and Economic Crisis
by Jennifer Merschdorf, Chief Executive Officer on April 30, 2020
Dear YSC Community,
Each year, hundreds of survivors, thrivers and supporters gather at the two YSC Tour de Pink (TDP) rides held on the East and West Coasts. These rides are not just about fundraising. With survivors making up 30% of riders, TDP has become an annual reunion of a tight-knit community dedicated to supporting young adults affected by breast cancer. The YSC Tour de Pink truly represents the best of YSC.
As of today, the most current research indicates that we may face yet another wave of COVID-19 infections this fall. Therefore, we have made the difficult decision to cancel both YSC Tour de Pink rides in 2020. YSC can not risk the possibility of infection among our TDP community, many of whom are in active treatment, managing long-term side effects or living with metastatic disease.
The decision to cancel TDP, YSC’s largest fundraiser, was not made lightly. Without it, YSC will have an even more challenging time recovering from the financial distress that began with COVID-19, when individual donations to YSC almost completely stopped. It is impossible to overstate the financial impact the economic shutdown has had on our organization.
Without new incoming revenue, we will likely need to make changes to our programming, staffing and resources. While final decisions have not been made, the entire YSC staff and Board of Directors will take this time to carefully evaluate how YSC can best support our community and ensure long-term stability. As we know more, we will share these changes with you; however, it could be some time before we understand the full impact of the economic downturn on YSC.
YSC needs your help during this critical moment.
Fundraising and donations to YSC will be essential to help us recover from this historic economic downturn. If YSC has impacted your life, we are asking that you consider donating, pledging a monthly gift, fundraising for the organization or sharing your experience with YSC to inspire others to give. Over the coming months and through the summer, YSC will need support from everyone who cares about the organization. Every dollar can help us rebuild.
YSC is here for you.
Our Virtual Hangouts have more participants than ever before. Our Private Facebook Groups still attract new members who need support from this amazing community. Educational webinars are still filling with people who need their questions answered, and thousands of people look to YSC, our website and Navigator series to help them work through the different phases of breast cancer and treatment.
We are strong. And I know that as a community we are strong enough to make it through this experience together.
Stay safe and please take care of each other,
Jennifer Merschdorf
Chief Executive Officer